As a Licensed, bonded, and insured professional photocopier and under the power given to us via CCP ยง 2020.420, Lawcopy can issue Subpoena Duces Tecum (records subpoenas). Just call or email your local office and we can take care of the entire process for you. Or if you prefer, we can help with any combination of the steps required to issue a subpoena and receive records.
- Subpoena preparation
- Notice to consumer preparation
- Service by mail
- Waiting period for objections
- Process serving on custodian of records
- Advancement of witness/record production fees
- Deposition officer listing to receive and distribute records
- Onsite record scanning for custodians that will not produce copies
California Code, Code of Civil Procedure – CCP ยง 2020.420
The officer for a deposition seeking discovery only of business records for copying under this article shall be a professional photocopier registered under Chapter 20 (commencing with Section 22450) of Division 8 of the Business and Professions Code, or a person exempted from the registration requirements of that chapter under Section 22451 of the Business and Professions Code. This deposition officer shall not be financially interested in the action, or a relative or employee of any attorney of the parties. Any objection to the qualifications of the deposition officer is waived unless made before the date of production or as soon thereafter as the ground for that objection becomes known or could be discovered by reasonable diligence.