At one point or another, every legal professional has come into contact with a custodian of records that will not permit the removal of records from the premises. Weither you call it mobile copying, onsite copying, or document retrieval, it is a standard requirement for the medical field with their medical records, most government agencies, corporations, and even some small businesses. This can be a large burden for most legal professionals, but with Lawcopy’s help, this process is simple. Give us a call and tell us who the custodian is and what records you want, and we’ll take care of the rest.
Another common use of our mobile scanning service is to have us present during document inspections so that you may sift through large volumes of records for relevant information to your case and we can copy them on the spot. This helps reduce the cost of discovery allowing for the copying or scanning of only relevant case information.
Document Retrieval: (Max File Size Up To 11″ x 110″)
- Color Mobile Copying
- Black & White Mobile Copying
- Color Mobile Scanning
- Black & White Mobile Scanning
For more information about our mobile copying and scanning services, to schedule a record retrieval, a time for our technicians to accompany you onsite at a document inspection, then please call or email.