Our professional IT staff and courtroom AV equipment have been trial tested. Wither you are a seasoned Trial Attorney familiar with Trial Director, Trial Pad, etc. and just need some AV equipment like an ELMO or projector setup or if you are in need of a comprehensive trial support package we are able to help.

- With offices located minutes from in Santa Barbara and Ventura Courts you can expect fast response times.
- We offer complete installation and removal of equipment with minimal disruption of the courtroom and flexible hours.
- You can rent equipment a la carte specific to your needs. Such as an Elmo document camera, projector and screen, individual monitors, Jury box monitor, etc.
- You will be able to display any digital exhibit including Video/ Audio/ Native files and have the ability to host zoom/skype witnesses.
- With our monitor blanking setup you will be able to inspect, review with opposing counsel and Judge before you publish exhibits to the witness/jury all electronically.
Inquire today for more information on how we can take your trial presentation from mounted foam boards to the digital age.